Wednesday, February 13, 2013

To my dearest Mama & Papa,

Have a good day, Ma and Pa !!!

Thank you for everything. You made inspired me because of what you've done after a long years you let me in study in school. After that sacrifice,yes!!! few months I will graduate in high school. a and Pa thanks a lot, not only that I graduate in high school but also for  sacrificing me since I was born and child and now that I am a teenager. I hope you let me study in college, I know we have a lot of money to spend in college but I hope you let me in. Thanks a lot, you're the best Mama and Papa ever.

To my Papa: Being your daughter has always made me special. In my heart you're always be my Papa !!

To my Mama: Ma as I grown, so have my appreciation and love for you. Everyday, you looked after us, worried, fed and loved us without expecting anything in return.